Flying High visual novel test demo (Patreon)
We mentioned a few weeks ago that we were reviewing some options for adding text to the image sets. Today we want to share a test demo we've been working on to see how well the Flying High image sets work as a visual novel. We've built this using the Renpy visual novel engine, which some of you may already be familiar with.
Since this is only a test run, we're only offering a PC and a Mac version today. Android and web versions are supposedly possible, but will require a lot of extra work to setup, so we'll tackle that at a later date. For now, you can download the software using the links below.
If you're a Mac user please check out the read me file included with the download. Because this is newly published software, it will not yet be verified as safe by the Apple App Store, and we won't necessarily be able to verify it anyway due to the adult content. The read me contains directions on how to get your system to open the software despite it being unverified.
If you have issues running the software, or feedback on the contents, please let us know in the comments below. This is a very early work in progress, so all the feedback you provide will be useful to us.
Also, please note this is not the final dialogue or story. Marie just threw together some text so we could show off the software.