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Ciao Patreon,

siamo giunti al nostro gioco settimanale per decidere chi di voi sarà il mio stilista, per la scelta dell 'OUTFIT che vestirò durante la diretta di venerdi prossimo.

Mi sono scervellata anche questa settimana, e ho finalmente trovato una nuova domanda interessante per mettere in moto anche le vostre meningi.

Molto spesso nelle mie interviste ai musicisti, mi viene da chiedere quale canzone famosa avrebbero voluto aver scritto loro.

Tranquilli, non vi chiederò di cantare una canzone (anche se non sarebbe male come idea!), ma visto che siete molto fantasiosi, voglio sapere da voi:


Se non ci avete mai pensato, guardatevi attorno  e Ie  idee non vi mancheranno... io così ho fatto ed avrei voluto inventare qualsiasi cosa.. da comodi accessori per il WC ad una super caffettiera per il mio amato caffè, o chissà altro. 

Mi raccomando avete tempo per stupirmi con le vostre risposte  fino a domani, giovedi, alle ore 14.00, forza oliate le meningi e via alla fantasia o meglio alla scienza!


Hi Patreon,

we came to our weekly game to decide who of you will be my stylist, for the choice of OUTFIT that I will dress during the live broadcast next Friday.

I also puzzled this week, and I finally found a new interesting question to get your brains started.

Very often in my interviews with musicians, I have to ask myself what famous song they wanted to have written to them.

Don't worry, I won't ask you to sing a song (even if it wouldn't be a bad idea!), But since you're very imaginative, I want to know from you:


If you've never thought about it, look around you and you won't miss your ideas ... I did so and wanted to invent anything ... from convenient toilet accessories to a super coffee maker for my beloved coffee, or who knows what else.

I recommend you have time to amaze me with your answers until tomorrow, Thursday, at 2.00 pm italian time, let us force your brains and let your imagination go, or rather science!




If there is anything I wanted to be the one to invent it would have been the instrument Violin.. although I don’t know how to play, it is the one instrument whose music affects deeply.. it can be haunting and mellowing at the same time.. some of the most joyous notes have come a violin as well as the saddest! To me it is the most versatile instrument if used properly..


Necessity is the mother of invention. My friends here wish to invent the important things to resolve climate change and hunger and to save the planet. I wish them well because they are correct. I would like to invent something that makes politicians look ridiculous when they deliberately tell lies, or promise the impossible. Maybe they would bounce up and down uncontrollably, or just their noses extend like Pinocchio. From the past? I would like to have invented the compass, as it helped explore this wonderful world and discover so much.


Nero you say well ... if used correctly hehe !!! At home the eldest daughter studied violins and I assure you that at first I thought she pulled the cat's tail but then with time something positive came out and some sad or cheerful note actually filled our days!


simon you made me laugh !!! especially thinking of politicians because I think it would be a continuous bounce or just long noses that would prevent us from walking. I like to think, however, that the compass, this delicate and difficult to use instrument, was the promoter of many journeys and discoveries, maybe wrong initially (see Christopher Columbus) but that then made it possible to make this land even more precious and more complete .. .and then being an explorer, I think it's been everyone's dream!


oh yes.. i can imagine.. the initial days are always a jarring experience on our ears but the end result of all that practice is something worth waiting for... Im sure your daughter plays well if she is anything like her mother cause after all you are good at whatever you do.. :)