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Ciao Patreon come state?

Intanto devo ringraziarvi perchè state partecipando tantissimo alla CHALLENGE ed anche io sto scoprendo tante cose interessanti grazie ai vostri suggerimenti.

Sono felice di dirvi che arriva LA STORIA della RADIO scritta da ROB

Una storia  avvincente che sono sicura piacerà anche a  tutti voi! Spero anche la mia interpretazione scuota la VOSTRA FANTASIA e che altri di VOI possano SCRIVERE la CONTINUAZIONE

OGGI verrà pubblicato il testo ed una anteprima di  questa bella storia.

DOMANI  ( domenica giorno di ferragosto) saremo insieme per una altra CHALLENGE.

LUNEDI verrà pubblicata la LETTURA  per i (GRANDI CUCULI e oltre ).

Mentre aspetto impaziente le vostre risposte sulla challenge , mi preparo perchè questa notte partirò con tutta  famiglia eparenti vari:

 destinazione CRETA ( e dove spero di trovare qualche minuto da sola per potervi raccontare quest' isola nella quale non sono mai stata)

Vi abbraccio e aspetto i vostri consigli su cosa visitare a Creta!

Baci Simona


Hi Patreon how are you?

In the meantime I have to thank you because you are participating a lot in the CHALLENGE and I too am discovering many interesting things thanks to your suggestions.

I am happy to tell you that the STORY of the RADIO written by ROB is coming

A compelling story that I'm sure all of you will enjoy too! I also hope my interpretation shakes YOUR FANTASY and that others of YOU can WRITE the CONTINUATION

TODAY the text and a preview of this beautiful story will be published.

TOMORROW (Sunday of August) we will be together for another CHALLENGE.

MONDAY will be published the READING for (GREAT CUCULI and beyond).

While I wait impatiently for your answers on the challenge, I prepare myself because tonight I will leave with all my family and various relatives:

 destination CRETE (and where I hope to find a few minutes alone to be able to tell you about this island in which I have never been)

I embrace you and await your advice on what to visit in Crete!

Kisses Simona




Hi Simona. I have been to Crete 3 times.I visited Knossos,a very interesting place if You walk with a guide and hear the history.I have tried to visit Samaria valley 2 times,but both times was cancelled because of the heat:-( . I also want to visit the "Pink beach" in the west end of Crete. Maybe next time:-) There is also interesting markets. I visited the market in Chania .It was great and shadow between the houses. Have a nice trip and take care.


I forgot to tell You about the people who live there . They are fantastic and very friendly. I will go there again as soon as I can.


Thanks for the suggestions and I will try to visit some of what you told me also because I will be close to Chania and Knossos when we arrive in Heraklion. The pink beach attracts me a lot but I am also tempted to visit the markets and the guts of the various villages where you can get lost in their colors. kiss