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Miei patreon in questo S. Natale 2021, 

faccio a tutti voi i miei migliori AUGURI! 

Un abbraccio grandissimo e prima che tutta la tribù che ho in casa, si svegli, vengo ad aprire qualcuno dei bellissimi doni che mi avete fatto. 

Auguro un sereno natale a voi e a chi vi è vicino!


My patreons on this S. Christmas 2021, 

I wish you all my best WISHES! 

A huge hug and before all the tribe I have in my house wakes up, I come to open some of the beautiful gifts you have given me.

 I wish you a Merry Christmas to you and to those close to you!




Merry Christmas to you dear Simo, may you and your family have a great day... Ciao Gaz


Many thanks for all your great posts with fantastic pictures and videos. I wish you a very Merry Christmas. Please keep safe and well. xxx


Gasporter I absolutely pay attention not to get sick, otherwise how can I post and greet you? Thanks for the good wishes that I reciprocate. xxx