COOKING WITH SIMONA... Colomba di Pasqua (Patreon)
Come state passando il weekend? Io ieri ho passato la giornata preparando l'alloggio di mia figlia a Torino e sono arrivata a casa a cenare alle 21.30.
Oggi sto di nuovo andando a Torino e dobbiamo finire la tinteggiature, perchè martedì porteranno i mobili.
Mi spiace ma la famiglia aiuta tutta in forze e non posso farvi un reportage dei lavori!
Comunque vi anticipo questa ricetta e Grandi Cuculi domani sarà pronto il video per preparala passo a passo insieme a voi.
Vi auguro una splendida domenica.
Good Sunday to all of you my Patreons, today I anticipate a recipe to try and make all together; a recipe that we can prepare next week for the Easter holidays.
I hope to see in the community photos of this dessert prepared by you, or other sweets that are used during the holidays in your countries.
How are you spending the weekend? Yesterday I spent the day preparing my daughter's accommodation in Turin and I arrived home to have dinner at 9.30pm.
Today I am going to Turin again and we have to finish the painting, because on Tuesday they will bring the furniture.
I'm sorry but the family helps all in strength and I can't make you a report of the works!
Anyway, I'll tell you this recipe and Grandi Cuculi will be ready tomorrow the video to prepare it step by step with you.
I wish you a wonderful Sunday.