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Ciao miei patreon, arriva la notte della befana; come sapete IO che sono l' unica e vera befana, sarò impegnata a volare sui cieli di mezzo mondo.

Domani sera sarò di ritorno per raccontarvi il viaggio di quest'anno sulla nuova scopa ultimo modello!

Comunque sappiate, ve lo dico in anteprima, che quast'anno sarò ecologica ed ibrida!  :-) non so cosa ho detto ma va bene così!

Ci vediamo domani  6 Gennaio 2023 ore 22:00 rimanete sintonizzati!


Hello my patreons, the night of the Epiphany is coming; as you know I am the only true witch, I will be busy flying over the skies of half the world.

Tomorrow evening I'll be back to tell you about this year's journey on the new latest model broom!

However you know, I'm telling you in preview, that this year I will be ecological and hybrid! :-) I don't know what I said but that's okay!

See you tomorrow January 6, 2023 at 22:00 stay tuned!



Bruce Sibounheuang

Cherrs Di a More.God blessing vip Simona family. Again your natural vip God given. ( Certainly a qualified Mr Bond..escort? PA..assistant..model much lovely talent) you are too awesome beautiful to be witch) butt/ bee- have) dear xo. Ps. Its an hour. Since younger school days I remembered reading books on Author Mr Ian Fleming .yet many of us from Mr legendary Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris..Hulks .WW. to Mr Bond/ James Bond. ( sorry. Sir . My apology. If its I'm thinking of the different person..of the chalming well trained double agent. Mr Bond. The famous actor ): Cherrs Thank you. Cia Bella.


Looking forward to it x