STORY TELLING " The Tennis Match" by Gazman (Patreon)
Ciao miei Patreon,
lasciate da parte i brutti pensieri di questi giorni, vi dò una anticipazione di quella che sarà lo "STORY TELLING" della storia ricevuta da GAZMAN.
Come sapete ho ancora, prurtroppo, qualche giorno triste e con la testa ed impegni altrove.
Iniziate a godervi questo scritto di GAZMAN, e fatevi ispirare per inviarmi altre storie, vere o di fantasia che siano.
Baci Simona
Hello beautiful family! We didn't expect so much closeness, friendship and love that you have shown us.
It's been a long and difficult day, and we thank the wonderful doctors who have been close to us at all times of the day and night.
Sadly all our prayers have now ended and our dad left us tonight.
After almost 30 sleepless hours tonight we will try to get some rest.
Now we dedicate ourselves to hugging each other and giving strength to the "mom" in anticipation of the funeral next Wednesday.
We can only send you a huge thank you and a big hug because you are / we really are a big family.
We have read that unfortunately some of you have had the same experiences as us, and we are taking the time to ANSWER EACH OF YOU properly in the next few days.
Tomorrow will be another long day.
We wish you all the best!