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June 12 is the date Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment by a South African court. The music and the many artists who have made their dissent heard have contributed to his release. 

As always, I await your comments and to know if you know of other less known songs, related to the fight against "apartheid" or more generally to the fight against injustice of any form. 

We'll talk about it on next Tuesday's live broadcast.


il 12 Giugno è la data in cui Nelson Mandela venne condannato all'ergastolo da un tribunale sud Africano. La musica e tanti artisti  hanno fatto sentire il proprio dissenso, hanno contribuito alla sua liberazione.  

Aspetto come sempre i vostri commenti e di sapere se siete a conoscenza di altre canzoni meno conosciute, legate alla lotta contro "apartheid" o più in generale alle lotte contro le ingiustizie di qualunque forma. 

Ne parleremo nella diretta di martedì prossimo.


2023-06-12 Nelson Mandela Songs

June 12 is the date Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment by a South African court. The music and the many artists who have made their dissent heard have contributed to his release. As always, I await your comments and to know if you know of other less known songs, related to the fight against "apartheid" or more generally to the fight against injustice of any form. We'll talk about it on next Tuesday's live broadcast. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- il 12 Giugno è la data in cui Nelson Mandela venne condannato all'ergastolo da un tribunale sud Africano. La musica ed i tanti artisti che hanno fatto sentire il proprio dissenso, hanno acontribuito alla sua liberazione. Aspetto come sempre i vostri commenti e di sapere se siete a conoscenza di altre canzoni meno conosciute, legate alla lotta contro "apartheid" o più in generale alle lotte contro le ingiustizie di qualunque forma. Ne parleremo nella diretta di martedì prossimo.



Hi Simona thanks for this, you obviously know a lot about apartheid and popular songs against it. Also your outfit in this clip was superb and I like how you did your hair. Extemely glamorous. Just a couple of comments: first of all you should try and say a few words in English in this clip because it will be most of interest to South Africans. If you only speak in Italian very few of them will understand. Secondly: you should also mention that Nelson Mandela was released from prison around 25 years ago. Since then many of his successors have made very bad decisions for the country. Just as an example, today huge parts of South Africa have no electricity for many hours every day. This is because the electrical utility has been so badly managed. The story of South Africa shouldn’t stop with Nelson Mandela and the saintly leadership he showed should not relieve Mandela’s successors in politics from the need to answer fully for their mistakes. If they do not, the country may not have a future. Anyway it is just my suggestion.

Gerry Gitzke

It is SO NICE of you to do a tribute to Nelson Mandella! God Bless You! He is to South Africa like our own Dr Martin Luther King Jr was to the USA; both fighting for equality. Unfortunately, Dr King was assassinated in 1966. We have a Federal Holiday here in honor of Dr King on the 3rd Monday in January. We also lost a beloved President and his brother in the 1960's due to assassinations. A very sad decade for our country. Again, thank you for all the good work that you do! HUGS!


John I really appreciate your suggestions. As for English, next time I'll write the text and read it because I'm not so good at speaking English. Second, you are right that there is talk of Mandela and little of South Africa itself, how it has changed and how Mandela's successors have not been able to find change. And so, as always, it is the citizens who are struggling to survive, while those in power think about administering for themselves. Let's hope that somewhere there is someone ready to take the reins for a better and more equal South Africa. A big hug


Gerry, you were right to remind us of two other characters who were important in this case for the United States Next time I will also say a few words about Luther King, it seems right and proper to me. A hug


al cento per cento giusto simona. grazie per la tua risposta.

Gerry Gitzke

Thank you for the nice reply. And again, thank you for all the great work you do for EVERYONE!