Announcement (Patreon)
Hey, guys. first of all I would like to thank you all for your support and attention, thank you very much!!!! And now I'll get to the point. In a short period of time there are more of you and that makes me very happy, but also a bit worried, I started my journey only recently so I'm afraid that I won't be able to live up to the expectations of some of you. I'm thinking about increasing the amount of content that is released, or rather I plan to make separate “bonus” posts that will be available for paladins and above (these posts will include illustrations from previous posts that were not included in the main post), and accordingly I want to make the paladin level available to everyone. But in this case I will have to remove the right to request paladins to work as I am already full of requests and would like to return a little freedom:)
So that's how it is, I understand that some may not like this, but I hope for your understanding, those paladins who have not yet contacted me, write to me in private messages, I will try to make a job that you will like.
The changes won't be made right away, I'm still thinking about it and I'm leaning towards adding them in early November.
I also plan to add two spots for the Dark Lord subscription level.
Once again, thank you so much for your attention and support!
みなさん、こんにちは。まずは皆さんのサポートと関心に感謝したいと思います。本当にありがとうございます!! そして、今から本題に入ります。短期間のうちに皆さんが増えて、とても嬉しいですが、少し心配でもあります。私はこの旅を始めたばかりで、一部の方の期待に応えられないかもしれないと心配しています。そこで、投稿内容を増やすことを検討しています。具体的には、「パラディン」以上の皆様に向けた「ボーナス」投稿を作成する予定です(これらの投稿には、メイン投稿に含まれなかった過去のイラストが含まれます)。そして、パラディンレベルを全ての方が利用できるようにしたいと考えています。しかし、その場合、リクエストの権利を取り除く必要があります。すでにリクエストがいっぱいで、少し自由を取り戻したいと思っているので:)