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Putting this one out ASAP! Last night the Ones got together to record a topical, election special. Join us and some special correspondents as we analyze the results as they come in using basketball knowledge.

Also here's a link to the leaked jerseys and courts we looked at: https://news.sportslogos.net/2020/11/02/four-more-2021-nba-jerseys-leak-two-courts-revealed/basketball/


Marvin Harrison Ford

This is 'Merica, so the Boys can talk about anything they want on their show, but I gotta say it never ceases to induce an eyeroll when the hyperbole of "The world is ending" comes out when someone's candidate doesn't win. As if both sides of the corrupt two party system aren't paid for and bought by the special interest groups. They serve Party, self, constituents in that order. A kick to the shin is better than a punch to the groin, but it's weird to be overjoyed about it.


The “Make no Small Plans” thing is a reference to Daniel Burnham, who was a famous Chicago architect who laid out a master plan for the city. So that city planning reference should be right up Hayes’s alley.