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The Ones take some tips from the king of sports podcasting himself: Bill Simmons.

We also looked at some stuff: 

Kendrick Perkins talks about James Harden

Bachelor dance video from Travis

Aaron Gordon hits Kyle Lowry with a cheap shot

And who can forget the SONGS: 

From Jake Albaugh 

From Steven Shaw


TFO #123: Listening to Bill Simmons

The Ones take some tips from the king of sports podcasting himself: Bill Simmons. We also looked at some stuff: Kendrick Perkins talks about James Harden Bachelor...



I said "Modest Mouse? More like Modest HOUSE, because Andy lives like a basic bitch" and a fist came out of my computer screen and broke my nose.


Is there a chance any of these will go up on YouTube? My husband and I like to watch stuff together on our TV and the Vimeo doesn’t push to our Roku like the YouTube streams do.