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Carl and Ahsohn discuss Blue Apron, passwords, and parking tickets.


CCHC #11: Harvey Dent

Carl and Ahsohn discuss Blue Apron, passwords, and parking tickets.


Jenny Miller

Look, I'm a lifelong fatty. But I gotta say, 'Keto' meals don't really do their 'Keto' thing if you're mixing them with other carb heavy meals. Ketosis happens when a person is taking in way less carbs then they're burning. That's the premise of the much less healthier Atkins diet. Carl, my King, I think it would be better for you to just eat a veggie, fiber heavy meal when you want to have a healthier dinner. And 'Keto' meals are light on veggies and good fiber. Just sayin'. I still Stan you though.

Jenny Miller

Also, aioli on nipples....gross.