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The Ones catch up on all the wild NBA news that's been happening the past couple weeks.

We looked at: 

New rules on drawing fouls 

Trae Young's reaction to the rules 

NBA draft order

Plus the return of Steve Sachs and Eastman Presser.


TFO #143: Happy to be Stuck with News

The Ones catch up on all the wild NBA news that's been happening the past couple weeks. We looked at: New rules on drawing fouls Trae Young's reaction to the rules NBA draft order Plus the return of Steve Sachs and Eastman Presser.



a travoltify for the ages


It’s getting more mean-spirited in a negative way. I know there are good sass targets, but kindness is a good trait just on a social level.


And there can be kindness in comedy, in humility, because ultimately we’re deflating our egos and the systems that are abusive (judicial) to help the world.