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The Ones are back together again to be good teammates and not fight.

We looked at:



oh god oh god so much pressure to make a good weird comment

Marc Davis

Always love how deep Sean goes with good music. Midwest Emo is great. Are you a Cap'n Jazz fan, too?

Keith Krepcho

Happiness IS all the rage.

Marc Davis

Also, Sean's mic goes out at around 35:46 for about 15 seconds.

Clara Pinchbeck

….can’t believe that Sean is a Sally’s man. Pepe’s (pre-franchise) or nothing (except Bar since I had my Bat Mizvah there)… Guess that’s just Cheshire versus Guilford ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Greg O

Was inspired to go back and watch the video for Gives You Hell and was surprised to see Amanda Lund being given some hell

Vinnie Spano

When it comes to emo, it’s all about rites of spring

Pat Vamos

Giving Kelsey her flowers for Scootman Crothers

Paul Jacobson

love just hearing the promise ring mentioned. love hearing sean show love for wood/water.


I'm an iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook gal myself


No love for Modern? I'll take any of the trinity but they each have a special place in my heart

Christopher Davis

Big shout out to my fellow WVU alumnus Joe Mazzulla getting his first W as a NBA coach covering for Udoka in Boston!

Marc Davis

Nice. I, like most people I'm sure, didn't know about them until I got into Fugazi but Rites of Spring slaps


No fucking lie I listened to Wood/Water and Very Emergency for the first time in a decade(?) last weekend and woke up with “the Deep South” in my head this morning…


Totally normal Promise Ring comment here


Is this thing on?

Alex Dalir

“A lot of teams will be bad on purpose” is the most bizarre viral take. Yes Wembanyama seems awesome. How can more than 3 teams realistically tank for one guy? Teams that want to sell tickets and attract talent. Idk if it’s bull simmons or what, but it’s ridiculous.

Jordan Newmark

Whoever didn’t like/love the mascot episodes can eat my shorts. Hilarious episodes and I do remember The Promise Ring


Love hearing a promise ring shoutout on TFO.


If we’re talking Midwest emo, we’re legally obligated to discuss American Football

Sheldon Theriault

I'm saying something normal. I'm cool and nice. I love you and I'm in love with you. As a youth basketball coach because no one else WAS GOING TO DO IT, just like no one ever tiered the mascots. I didn't like where Benny ended up. Benny is Sweet but Psycho


Bottom three have 14% chance of top pick. Then it is 12.5%, 10.5%, 9%, 7%. Every season more than three teams tank. Even if they’re not tanking for a pick, they may rest their stars once it’s clear they can’t make the playoffs. It happens every season.

James Jarvis

Loved the Green/Poole segment. Nice work gang!

Brandon Martin

#breadandcoffee and thank you for the validation, Sean. All my friends who were into the Promise Ring hated that record and I always felt like it was pretty darn good.


Sean’s audio cut out at 36 min bc he was talking about sexy stuff

John Martin

Pickleball is fun!