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LOU WILSON returns to teach The Boys how to play Dungeons and Dragons.

YouTube version 



Kevin, you need to get the rest of the D20 gang on here. It's wild that Zac Oyama and Ally Beardsley especially haven't already been on!


Peep the MD merch on Kev 👀 #6episodesandamovie??


Jk Kevin. I listened to most of that pod and u were very funny. Please have a Yusong reunion on the Pro version the next time the Boys are too busy procreating! #proVERSIONcreating


Lou Wilson's laugh deserves an award. A+ greatness.

Andrew Harrington

Kevin looking cool as hell in this episode.


Lou Wilson was on the first ever HH I listened to back in like 2017. Feels like my reunion.

James Palermo

would watch a 6 hour session of this

Patrick Noland

I would sell everything that I own to pay for a Dimension 20 one-shot with the nude virgin and Marshall Mathers

James Bodine

I love when Sean references Dead Wrong by BIG and MM. I legit love the song but IT HAD A MUSIC VIDEO ON MTV and it was a single, which is insane because I feel it had more lyrics censored than not, so most of the video is old Biggie footage with a beat.

John Villanti

Not Hayesman having me laughing harder than I have in a really long time with his commentary during Lou explaining his “out there” d&d games

Christian Harder

I see you mr Sean, wielder of the Benchmade

Professor T

Was waiting from the start for Vicious Mockery to appear and I was not disappointed. This would legit work as a show.


This should be a new show.

Desiree DiBerardino

I would go crazy to watch the boys play dnd for real