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The Ones are cookin' up some hotties and notties. This episode asks, what do you call those girls?

We looked at:

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The reason the Pacers are this good is Mathurin. Everyone should make a point to watch a Pacers game to see him play.

Hayley Leier

the payoff of kevin finally getting to play the qotsa song - 10/10

Eric Coley

Kevin Shrederline

Rachel Wieselquist

usher me off my soap box whenever but the real reason the Grizzlies lost to the Celtics was bc they didn't have Steven Adams

Dee Thain

i love that the patreon video player keeps track of where i am if i pause and isn't google, but do other people have a thing where towards the end of the ep it just randomly skips back to some point in middle? you all are very nice and i enjoy our parasocial relationship.


It’s just really sensitive with the scrubbing on iOS, I’ve found. Done that to myself a few times with unintentional taps.

Dee Thain

I think I had a similar experience on mobile, but this seems to consistently happen on desktop for me (Linux, although I don't know why that would matter, since it's through a browser, Firefox in my case)

Devon Sheridan

He was so sick at Arizona, and it seemed so apparent his skills would transfer over to the association

David B.

Kevin is wearing an Amtrak shirt

Andrew Harrington

(The Original Chef) Kevin freakin' rocks AND cooks!


Very sick Kevin. When you said qotsa cover I never could have imagined it would be something from that sick ass first record. Sounded great my man!


is kevin turning into sean


turn-ing in-to sean i think i'm turn-ing in-to sean


I was thinking the same thing listening to the new episode of Under the Bleacher that he's on. Learning from the best

Matt Simon

Kelsey is A+

Michael Richards

I just NEED a Piss Queens shirt now.

Desiree DiBerardino

In Milwaukee when the bucks won the championship a Culver’s in town changed their sign to say “Giannis eats free for life” and then under that much smaller it said “Thanasis we love you too” and that’s kinda what Giannis giving him the ball reminds me of


Kelsey is really settling into the pocket as producer lately. killing it


Great work kevin