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The Boys welcome back BRODEN KELLY, ZACHARY RUANE, AND MARK BONANNO of Aunty Donna to discuss an important video.

YouTube version 


Andrew Woods

that’s what i like to call a “great ep”

Eliot Whitworth

Aunty Donna is such a good guest, hilarious episode

Alberto Rosen

Like Pacino and De Niro in Heat but for people who go on the computer too much


so good at always walking the tightrope of if sean is genuinely annoyed lmao

Carver Koella

Collision of worlds 😂 "If that happens we just shut it down."


Brilliant ep. Brep

Aidan G

I would listen to a weekly podcast of these five attempting conflict resolution (Kevin should also be there, but not helping)


Truly incredible stuff

Alex f_c

How does the Patreon player know that when I accidentally minimize the player on iOS, I actually want the phantom audio track to keep playing, and not stop playing even when I start playing something else, until I close the app. It is good to know that you could potentially have 5-10 videos playing simultaneously for when you are on the go.

Alex f_c

God damn I love those blokes. These are Yorch’s brothers and cousins?

Paige Meseck

Did not think we would see the whole tik tok. Glad we made it. Kevin’s description is great.

mahoney's famous bones

This is an alltime corker absolutely loved this bloke/jawn (put in both languages for broden's convenience)

Chloé C

Graces response to the whole premise was my breaking point. Loved this ep boys! You’ve made a new frenemy in Aunty Donna.

Jarrett Portnoy

Just an all around great episode

Cassie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-25 19:04:29 I think the reason Kevin has a finsta is so he can vent whenever Sean and Hayes are being mean to him! Great episode guys.
2023-09-25 19:04:29 I think the reason Kevin has a finsta is so he can vent whenever Sean and Hayes are being mean to him! Great episode guys.
2022-11-17 04:31:15 I think the reason Kevin has a finsta is so he can vent whenever Sean and Hayes are being mean to him! Great episode guys.

I think the reason Kevin has a finsta is so he can vent whenever Sean and Hayes are being mean to him! Great episode guys.