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The Boys work on the January 5th and 6th pages of the Funky Factables daily calendar.

YouTube version 



...is this the first episode where Hayes doesn't say "bye"? This feels wrong.

Andrew Harrington

Am I the only one that thought Clean Hayes would replace Hairy Hayes in 2023? (brap)

Eric McKay

Jeff Garlic will forever make me smile.

Nathaniel Weiner

Hayes looking like he's gonna hire you to do a graphic for 100 high-end holo-print vinyl stickers for his record label then not pay you but still watch all your IG stories

Max French

Okay, I'll say it. Maybe I'm projecting, but they both seemed totally at odds with the whole thing by the end. It felt almost sad to me. Maybe it's just me.


🎶 i get my haircut in chicago (looks like sh%t) 🎶


Kidding! Even on his WORST day (today possibly) Kevin's no lower than a 7


i think this is the first time i've ever laughed harder than the hayesman literally could not catch my breath after reading back the first factables