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The Ones squint for nearly an hour. A baker's hour of premium squinting coming right up!

We looked at:

YouTube version 



First (good ep title)

Conor Beales

Thank you Hayes: I am indeed 'playing for keeps'.

fox’s patreon account

It irks me that the clippers keep taking my players. Get your own.


i signed up for this tier because i was promised lists of players names. promise delivered tenfold! amazing listing of players

Marc Michaud

Hearing Carl giggle about the laughing skull made my morning


Theres a saying; Austin Powers brings june flowers

John Moran

Hayes trying to figure out how to share in Zoom was the highlight of my week

Con Griffey Jr.

Fwiw I had a fuck!*g blast watching/playing along with the 30 point/draft class game

John Paul Green

The Rockets announcers have thankfully retired. But the Rockets are unwatchable so I can’t speak to the new announcers.

Jeff Riley

Yes another round of this absolutely devious game

Colin Oliver

everybody here is so smart and at the same time so open hearted. what a beautiful balance to hold. through normal attention and awareness people can come to great realizations about reality. this world is full of meaning and connection when pairing emotional and intellectual intelligence through humanitarian values. i gotta say, i believe that having a psychedelic experience of induced ego death at a few key points in life can open up space in the psycho–somatic field for connecting points of logic and identification in new pathways and formations and allow for more universal equality in communication and communion

Colin Oliver

does anybody own the center of the universe?

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-24 20:07:46 Carl cracking up and getting the giggles, man shoot that shit in my veins amigo. 🫡😎☠️💀 Also I thought Hayes said the baby and I watched “Nanette”.
2023-01-16 09:36:04 Carl cracking up and getting the giggles, man shoot that shit in my veins amigo. 🫡😎☠️💀 Also I thought Hayes said the baby and I watched “Nanette”.

Carl cracking up and getting the giggles, man shoot that shit in my veins amigo. 🫡😎☠️💀 Also I thought Hayes said the baby and I watched “Nanette”.