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The Ones continue their endless game to find out who Carl knows.

We looked at:

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Bridget Sunday

Shout out to the French Horn community! I’m happy to show Sean how to hold it! (It’s surprisingly complicated!)


Your sudden lack of beard also does not disguise you, Northman.

Jeff Riley

Game slaps of course reminded me of family feud until hayes shaved

Eric McKay

I'm glad this podcast is Sporcle now.

Eric McKay

By the way, I didn't mean for this to sound as mean as it looks. I have legitimately enjoyed these last two episodes.

Colin Oliver

that song is so good

Kurt Jensen

LOVE how often TFO gets back to its roots listing names

Michael Esparza

in my headcanon that budenholzer bit was an homage to that time tim duncan drank stinky gatorade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiR9gpPmFNM


that werewolf that's been here the last few months was hayes the whole time??