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The Ones face their fears at Blockbuster.

We looked at:

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I heard him immediately!

Maria and'er Cephalopod

Like Sean, I saw a VHS cover many years ago that I was scared of, but fascinated by. I was a grown-ass young woman already, but when I wandered into the back room of the Video 21 store to giggle at the dirty video covers after selecting my MST3K video from the main area, I saw a cover that was just an in-your-face closeup of a cavernous poopchute being spread apart to invite the viewer to join in a shitty spelunking adventure. Not my cuppa, but it was an effective attention-grabber, because I remember that shit to this day. I also remember seeing a title on another one in that back room that made me laugh out loud: Gidget the Midget, Queen of the Little Screen.

Chris Hubbard

I'm like Carl, the Silence of the Lambs VHS scared me as a child as well.

Eric McKay

Evil Dead 2. That skull with the eyes? Ruined me as a kid. And then later I finally watch the movie...no skull with eyes! Both frightening and false advertising.

Desiree DiBerardino

Omg I can’t believe I got my name travoltified with LMFAO in the background this is my teenage dream come true


Frankenhooker is a classic


The tweet replies are the secret sauce.


Hayes just like me fr fr, I too was scared/fascinated by Jack Frost

Nick Thipples

The Hollywood tweet and conversation is so funny/genius! This episode is an instant classic

Jeff Riley

Carl so right about them kids

James Arneson

Have y’all ever talked about Boban in John Wick 🧐