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The Boys talk to TOM SCHARPLING and JULIE KLAUSNER about an important birthday party audition.

YouTube version 



Ooookay here we go


YES !! i assume patreon didn't give me a notification for this because they knew i'd have a heart attack and be really sick if i saw this title with no warning

Alex f_c

Um, okay, yes please and thank you!

Larry Hastings

I spy with my little eye a Joe Pera fan!

Mike B

Everyone is happy when Kevin gets horizontal. (Not an innuendo)

'Luke' Bennett

Suspicious edit after Tom’s Pfizer joke… methinks things got a little too REAL for the general public 😏

Yorch C

My real life friends 💙


And if, butter and jam aside, squares just don't satisfy Proliferate the Nos. of each slice of bread's sides If there's no knife beside you when those crusts get hard Then I'll cut your toast into some stars.

Colin Oliver

oi bruv (in the style of oy vey)