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Live from The Dynasty Typewriter in LA, The Boys and LISA GILROY help the audience in their first Performance Optimization Seminar. This month’s theme: romance.



Eliot Whitworth

Amazing show, brilliant performances all around. Thanks so much for making these live eps available for streaming


oh this is a nice surprise i'm very broke and my spending money on Podcast budget is capped at $10/month i did not think i'd see this ! thank you for the food (content)

Colin Oliver

all of my dreams are coming true. i’m so glad this exists, excellent show and yet again a marker for revolutionary evolution of the medium. i hope for many more of these to come :)

Hayley Leier

hayes’ stage squat is the most powerful thing I’ve ever seen


Thank you love you

landon d. mise

I just upgraded to the video feed to watch and boy, Hayes IS the hair haver! Also can we please talk about setting up an actual merch store for you guys since I loved designing and printing dumb stuff for y’all at podswag?

Juan Reyes jr

This was incredible & really made me very happy thank you I love you & I'm in love with you


This was hilarious, I loved especially the husband sniffer saying to Lisa "I think YOU'RE funny" at the end.

Ricky C

Didn’t HH record live at Vulture Fest November 21, about 15 months ago?


This made me so happy! ❤️ You guys are awesome! Lisa too!

Chloé C

Thank you daddies! I will never unsubscribe but it’s content like this that reaffirms my love for this pod. Thank you for continuing to feed us every week. Even if it’s just table scraps. Da boys about to break through…again…and 2023 is the year of The Flagrant Ones 🙏🏽🙌🏼 we love you kings.

Emily Jones

Lisa…tee hee hee she’s upstaging the boys…

Lavender Layvee

i was letting out some big laughies during this one, woke my wife up she was so peeved off


Great show!

Chris Hubbard

Really great show. Loved it

Marc Michaud

Lisa is the perfect guest or co-host or whatever, she just seems to vibe with the boys


This was so good. I live in Scotland, this is the closest I’ll get to a show! The boys looking like snacks


This makes me want to move to LA and join the polycule.

Nathan Deacon

Between Lisa’s appearances on HH and Comedy Bang! Bang!, she’s quickly become one of my all-time favorite guests.

Taylor Parissi

Sean is a really good performer

Preston Cauley

Even more evidence that you boys need to act from a place of courage and release a line of perfumes and colognes called "The Fragrant Ones".