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The Boys share an important call to action to the listeners.

YouTube version 


James Draper

My earlobes getting a shout out on HH! Then Sean stuck around for The Best Show, which also had Carl as a guest.


This ep was - dare I say it - Kaufmanesque

Christian Harder

Proof positive that this podcast is art of the highest order.

Danny Hatch

Podcasts: it's for ears now

James Ziegler

I got so excited when I saw this was a fifty minute Pro Version and it did not disappoint. Worth every penny and every minute. Straight up bananas, sick as, got me feeling it right now fam. No cap this is how fucking juiced up I am and this is how I always talk but at the same time completely different in the best way possible pimp.


As someone who subscribes to the video but almost never watches it as it's not how I enjoy podcasts, here's my unbidden and unwanted take: Rename the video tier the "deluxe tier" and release occasion bonuses along with the videos. A masterclass season 3 EP, highlight reel episodes of the early days, ad supercuts, occasional reality show show, vip/early live show tickets, ect. It's a lot more work for Kevin but that's fine with me. Or higher an editor with your ever dwindling coffers.


I'd happy pay more for the Patreon, especially if that helps you guys get some longer headphone cables. But that being said, all kidding aside...

AJ Caughey

Texted my non-vid subscriber friend and I went with: “Also, absolutely amazeballs Hollywood handbook pro version ep yesterday, will get you zooted and boosted absolutely podded out of your gourd”

Currently Busting

There you go you sick bastards… I deleted my sub to scribbso or w/e it was. I now pay you directly after all these years. Take your 25$ you pigs. Also, hit up the “the cum boys” aka CumTown aka TAFS. You’d do well with a sit down with them.

Vincent J Ives

My boys. My beautiful boys. Video tier til I die.


a 50 minute pro version...santaman came early this year


weird video...


Welcome to lie month.

Erik Case

Fucking well done boys. Watched the whole damn thing. See y’all in a few weeks!