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The Ones go drink for drink.

We looked at:

YouTube version 


Benjamin Sanchez Jr.

The pirate ship level of that spot game has stuck with me more than any other childhood video game memory for some reason

Sheila Plotnick

Grandparents are notorious gatekeepers of Fresca.

Trophy Son

My brother-in-law absolutely LOVES kratom, he used to mix in a big scoop (powder form) with a cup of juice before bed, but he realized he was drinking too much juice and now he just eats a scoop of it with his hand like Winnie the Pooh eating honey from a jar. True story!

Alex Melton

Hayes is on Kratom. This is where it all goes downhill.

Alex Melton

Before anyone jumps on the Hayes train to Kratom town, know the stuff ain’t no joke. Literally contains opioids and I have burnout friends from high school who are addicted like it’s heroin.


Carl and Kelsey Ckomedy Hour


Tequila and Fresca is a quality combination!

Devon Sheridan

been off the drank train for a bit, and this pod is the plug for alt drank inspirations. thank you plug 1 and plug 2!

AJ Caughey

I stopped drinking recently and really appreciate all of Sean’s suggestions for alternatives! I would love just like a top 10 list from him


"Whatchya sippin' on" returns in full force.


This is how I learned Starry exists.


Thank you for covering this Starry issue. It's debut coincided with me moving and shopping at a new grocery store and I thought it was Safeway-brand Sprite.

Mike Najjar

Happy birthday to the hayes man

Leah K

Emily in Paris doing a Kendall Jenner style outreach to the French riot police but it’s Starry, not Pepsi

Connery's Codpiece

Sean's valerian root drink thing is called 'Drømme' which means "Dreams" in Danish.

Alex Melton

Phallic Snowman is here to say thanks for the new nickname.

Ben McDonald

PG injury was a total fluke and sort of ridiculous for the unnamed Clippers group chat members to put it on Dort "undercutting" him. Both were moving in opposite directions looking up for a ball, Dort's leg happened to hit the ground first and he's built like a running back.


Guess you all haven't had "Squirt". If Surge was mountain dews dad, Squirt would be its Mom.

Justin Wanger

There's an Australian web store that sells soft drinks and it's called... Hits Different! https://hitsdifferent.com.au/collections/