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The Boys help ADAM MCKAY make his next big movie.

See Hollywood Handbook live in Los Angeles April 17th at the Dynasty Typewriter!

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Alex f_c

Well if it isn’t mr veep himself


Sometimes its very clear why people are successful. Certified corker

Hayley Leier

Love when the little buss up after the “bye” is included. Joyous!


Love Adam, but it must be said... he ain't Judd

Jesse Goldsmith - Messy Ghostmeat

This was such a fuc-...can I curse in the comment section? This cunt was such an unexpected and great guest. 52 minutes of smiles and laughs. Thanks fellas.

Alex f_c

Absolute corker - he even did a nod to Hayes classic signature huge laughing.

Robert Velasquez

Adam is extremely good at the show, top tier guest and ep. such a treat, thanks guys

Chloé C

I feel like I measure how funny someone is by how quickly they get on HHs level and get in on the bit. if they make da boys laugh they are automatically GOATED. I loved this ep, insta classic. Adam understood the assignment! I hope he becomes a recurring guest.

Nate B.

He's got an essential tremor that sometimes effects his voice.

James Petersen

Adam McKay has perfect pitch … for jokes

Joe Gurba

McKay might be the 🐐 — the post-laugh body heavingwas genius — my God 😂 For the ratio between the guest’s fame to their ‘understanding-the-assignment’ factor, would you say this is the high watermark for the show?