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The Ones bring on Amir Blumenfeld (Headgum) to celebrate episode 251. We build a baseketball team.

We looked at:


Adam Walstrom

Not exclusively about basketball, but a very addictive online sports game https://austinkrance.com/pages/games

James Debo

Missed Carl on this episode to do the doc rivers voice


Tris Speaker. Cleveland week on the pods.


As someone who is on record for saying that if you had the game commentators from ESPN but the in-studio crew from TNT you would have the perfect NBA product, I must correct you and tell you that Reggie Miller and Stan Van Gundy work for Turner, not ESPN.


Jokic could be a good closer

Timo Supremo

Hey I’m sorry to be annoying but maybe y’all can start moving away from using Twitter links possibly? I don’t really want to have to go to that site ever again ✌️


Olivia Rodrigo gets in a slap boxing match with Marcus Camby