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Ryan and Greg talk to Paul Scheer about week 2 of the season, injuries, The League (TV show) and the league (Foosballz).



Sam (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-22 06:34:01 Sean exerting his influence from afar by making Paul Scheer invoke the name of Bane from Batman Rises, it’s all part of the Clemdawg’s Plan
2023-09-22 06:34:01 Sean exerting his influence from afar by making Paul Scheer invoke the name of Bane from Batman Rises, it’s all part of the Clemdawg’s Plan
2023-09-22 06:34:01 Sean exerting his influence from afar by making Paul Scheer invoke the name of Bane from Batman Rises, it’s all part of the Clemdawg’s Plan
2023-09-21 01:03:44 Sean exerting his influence from afar by making Paul Scheer invoke the name of Bane from Batman Rises, it’s all part of the Clemdawg’s Plan

Sean exerting his influence from afar by making Paul Scheer invoke the name of Bane from Batman Rises, it’s all part of the Clemdawg’s Plan

Pat Hartigan

Loving the show fellas!