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The Boys do a makegood for missing an episode.

YouTube version 


Yorch C

for me, #1 school dance is Flossing / Dab combo

Steven Shaw (AKA Shubben Steen)

Is the Pro Version ever going to be good again? Or is Clippy just going to have that smug fucking look on his face from here on out.

Alex J

Thank you I love you


Someone "can't stand" Chef Kevin??? Sure he's the Kaiser Soze of the podcast world, but the boy's face is like one of those lamps that they make depressed people sit in front of in the winter. Seeing it is like opening the Arc of the Covenant, but before all the bad stuff happened. It's like a third thing probably.

Max French

Is everybody good? I feel good. So if everyone can comment under me that they are also good, we can move on from this whole mess.

Eliot Whitworth

Thank you this is really nice and good

Michael Pearson

I think if i left this patreon, the comment i would leave would be an unceremonious "BYE"

Adam B.

The exit surveys made great content 👍


“Me canceling my Patreon for 3 months to afford the Hat Pack Hat, cuz at least then I get a hat”


Thank you for this makegood! It is helping to defeat my COVID. You're all hilarious and Clippy is very cute. This is the best of all patreons.

Max Ruther

This was an especially kickass episode

Nate B.

The boys tried to makegood but they dang and went and made gold.

David Wells

Hayes says "NO" to windows...but he kisses books on the mouth. Which is worse?