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A hi-resolution version of Joe's happiest moment!

 Like I said on the Silver tier post, this marks the completion of the first real beefy comic to grace this Patreon-- thanks a ton for everyone's support! This comic definitely wouldn't have happened without it. 




Well, not really surprised that happened. Don't worry things will get better!


Poor Joe.


Do love that little peak at Dennis's hot ass in panel 2... that being said, I'm not surprised he's acting the way he is but I feel bad for Travis. Hopefully Dennis will wise up and treat him better. Also, been where Joe is. Sucks a lot. Feel better Joe.

P.P. Flynch

I really love this comic. Cant wait for chapter 2! But was Joe calling Travis for a booty call? Wasn't sure...


Probably a clumsy booty call, yeah. :) Though he probably wouldn't have succeeded anyway, in the state he was in...

P.P. Flynch

Guess I'll find out next chapter. Keep up the amazing work!