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I wasn't able to finish the comic page before leaving for Colorado, but I'm gonna be working on it slowly as I run around and drink beer. I just have to finish filling in the flats, and do the rendering/painting. Even if I can't finish it while I'm there, I'll be back on the 26th, and then back to the grindstone.

The month of July should be a little more consistent with updates, until the end of July when I'm going camping. And the end of August, I'm moving... I guess the end of months are hectic times for me!

I always feel bad when I can't get an update in on time, but I promise that this page will be done within the month of June. Thank you for your patience, everyone!



Julian Sterling

Oh wow your flats are really nice. It'd be really cool to see flat color versions of your work


Amazing art and have safe travels Meesh.


Enjoy your time in Colorado! Looking forward to seeing this comic when you get the time you need for it


Whereabouts in Colorado are you visiting? I'm near Denver!


Enjoy your time in Colorado. You deserve a rest for all the work you've put in the past months. Cheers! 🍻


Appreciated! I'll fit some relaxing in somewhere 😬


oh yeah a dalmatian ! <3


Have fun man. Also gotta mention I'm a big fan of the Scottie!

P.P. Flynch

Oh man! I can't wait to see your new comic! HURRY UP HAVING FUN! Jk, you deserve a good break. hope you enjoy it!


Safe travels! o3O