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Half n' half just won't cut it here!



Craig from Omaha

I wonder how long it would take him to fill a 1 gallon milk jug.


This lion has got to be one of your most popular characters to date


I have a sudden desire for coffee


I'm loving this character haha


I desperately want to see his ass/him with a guy (my gay is showing). He’s such a stud! Well done!


Would Luis have a bottle of Luis's special cream in office.

pj wolf

This is so ridiculous it's awesome. Also, those mice ladies look *really cute*


He probably doesn't sample his own product, not when everyone else keeps drinking it first!


I love the energy in this pic. Even when he's in the middle of a climax he treats the whole thing as if it was completely normal. (Also the deprived part of my brain is hoping for a piss edit but I don't know if that's considered something that happens in the Business Casual universe)


... I was totally thinking of doing a piss edit... Glad you like the vibe!


God imagine the conversation with Vanessa. "Here at Promotech, we encourage all employees to not only sate their sexual desires whenever they please, but also to engage in any kinks so long as they don't injure or inhibit their work. These ladies here found that they don't like coffee that much, but found that a warm cup of Luis's piss work just as well to give them a pick-me-up!"


With each appearance of Luis, I grow increasingly jealous of the women reaping his rewards.. We need Luis to give his male employees the same work benefits, too!