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This is the biggest addition to the print shop yet, with 14 illustrations being added! www.gumroad.com/meeshprints

I think this is a really fantastic batch, with art from May to October in 2017. I feel this is a real golden period when I was hitting a great stride with the art. From America's favorite ass:

...to America's favorite ambivalent sex partner:

Not to mention wanton fucking while stoned! What more could you ask for?

I'll put a couple more wee previews here...

Come on and check out the shop to see the full selection! Per usual, you patrons get first pick of the new lineup before the general public gets a gander. Hope you like what you see! www.gumroad.com/meeshprints




So is the EZ hypno parts 1 and 2 not available in 8×11?


Dude. I'm so upset. I won't have any spare money for another 2 weeks....and I see two that I want right now T_T Oh well. I guess I"ll have to wait. :<


They are, you just have to scroll down a bit. Gumroad's been really weird lately and isn't organizing my prints correctly!

High-bi password

God, I love the Office Retreat set. Still some of my favorite art from you to date, and buff Meesh is always a welcome character ☺️


Omg yasss!! <3 definitely another order coming


It’s a fave of mine as well! And buff Meesh really needs a return...

pj wolf

I always enjoy looking through these to see what kind of object you have next to the print on display.


a great era indeed, even without my personal bias. you had office worker meesh and co w/ high adventures, blake learning how far he can go on a horse dick, and the go-to for post-fuck selfies. porn historians will relish these months