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While in Hawaii I also doodled up a comic idea where a guy is hanging out with his penis out (this is completely normal) and his friends want to know if it's true if he can cum at will. He goes on to prove that yes, indeed he can.

However, while he was in the throes of climax, his eyes went cross-eyed, which he swore wouldn't happen this time. He has asked that this embarrassing faux pas be censored out.

In the third page his eyes disappeared completely from his head, but he was ambivalent about this being shown publicly.




Is his cock poking out through the front of his briefs ^^~?


I actually, believe it or not, /just/ now understood why it's important to protect their identity.


As simple information with which you can do what you want, I prefer human penises to the animal ones.


Yet I prefer animal penises to the human ones


Nice, heavy hanging balls is nice.


Haha, it took me a moment too. But I agree! Protect their identity if it means we can see the rest! <3