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While drawing the thumbnail for this page, I had a rare moment of ultra-productivity and drew up the thumbnail for the next page as well, as I wanted to get more of the scene solidified... although maybe I was just impatient to plan this ensuing conversation. :)

But the lockers... why do I keep torturing myself with lockers...?




I'm guessing from context, you then generally sketch each page as you go, not in batches then? Just curious on the process for you! Looks great


It would do me good to sketch out more pages in a batch, but I often don't have the time for more than one...

Eric Avila

is your job making joe more and more husbando like because its working with the facial expressions he has.


Does that mean I succeeded in making him muscley or did I succeed at making him look older, haha

Eric Avila

husbando really means more like "ahhh id marry him",muscles and age so long as its 18+ don't really factor into husbndo, i say husbando because the facial expressions you've been giving him are so great! i cant wait to see this go!


you are latin right? because I only heard that from my Latin or Spanish friends haha