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Problem solved! Right?



Hooded One

your conversations go down like water man and we're all thirsty for more lol amazing work as always!


They're so cute together😍


Good to see Joe didn't push Travis too hard, maybe you're bi and that's ok


Travis is one of my favorite characters he's so adorable ! Great work as always ! :D


Trav is such a cutie 💛

Tio Takurua

I already loved Travis during Little Buddy 2, but now, NOW he's the best boy and must be protected... from Dennis

Ed Haynes

"Yup. Let's do it." Well-said words for what's probably going to happen in the very near future. :P

kai wolfheart

Always enjoy looking at the physique of your characters, can't wait to see the positions you put them in during a good workout :3.

Sean Williams

You can tell Joe is fighting himself.


I really love this !, At the same time Travis and Joe, what a beautiful couple.


Can't help but feel like Joe's stretch at the end is an attempt at a subtle hint to show off the goods lol

Teaf Sochi

God they're so HOT IT'S CRIMINAL. You should be in The Hague!


So wholesome :*(

Gayme Guy

I bet the workout is gonna change his mind otherwise ;T


I'm really happy to see Joe warming up since "Little Buddy 2". His initial mindfuck he went through in that story (while still being into it) was very cute and rang true to situations people find themselves in. In this page, It's sweet to see Travis caring for his wellbeing. It makes me realize that Joe doesn't really have anyone who cares for him or his wellbeing outside of his expectations of being a stud for the ladies. I'm really looking forward to where this goes, as Travis seems like a fellow with a lot of love and support to give.




Just to add, Travis was in full self-discovery mode in the locker room that day; Kind of him to reassure Joe when it isn't really his responsibility to do so (in the sense that he didn't interact with Joe directly outside of getting railed beside him in the shower hahaha)... this puppy has heart. I have waaaaay too much time to write comments during this quarantine hahaha.

Diego P


Fox of Ages

Meesh, man, I love everything you do, buddy <3

pj wolf

Travis, in trying to reassure Joe, probably cut off the thing he would have *loved to hear*


Travis is absolutely adorable. He's so wholesome and understanding, and I'm even more excited to see where this comic continues to go ♥️


Man those expressions are spot on. Amazing work as always!


Im digging this character arc, Travis comforting his friend after like a really whirlwind experience and Joe (even though he is horny) kind of understanding he isn't under any kind of pressure. Good stuff.


Such sexy boys


Omg , serious ... this hipe. Meesh I love u af 💞💞

Jackson Carr

Spends all night jerking off to a dude that just wants to be friends haha let’s see how long THAT lasts

High-bi password

It’s incredible, I have a lesbian who is literally Travis to a tee, she wouldn’t know flirting if it hit her in the head. He feels like such a real person! I hope Joe changes his mind after seeing Travis gettin’ sweaty in the gym. 😉


FWC and Trav are inferior to the power of New Monarchy

The Unaccomplished Writer

So freaking adorable! And I can’t wait for the tension to mount while working out! I think Joe will be spotting a few things other than weights 😉


If he comes across as believable, then that's a victory indeed! Thank you ❤


Joe’s reaction is so realistic. Glaring at Travis’ hand, that macho stretch, changing the subject. I love it 😻


Travis used anime star power. It's super effective.


Oh Travis, you sweet beautiful naive newborn baby. :)


So... is this going to be chest day? Spotted bench press in lightly colored shorts... I spy with my eye....


Travis... it’s so hard not to fall in love with you when you smile like that.


Is the pager thing (prev/first/next) a new patreon feature or something you did yourself?


This boy's smile is so precious! <3