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Wow, Joe! You must be really into his shoes!




MEESH I SWEAR you are the master of teasing. XD but theres always such a damn good payoff. <3

Jake Stowers

Damn what a tease of a page

Kai Husky

Its great😅


Is Travis left-handed?

Tio Takurua

8 reps, ehh. Building m-ass~


"ok you're up" and that's what you call foreshadowing


Incoming wood!

haughty garbage

Fuck like Meesh you're a hero and I love you and your art to death The moment I saw the push notification I thought "this one's the Travis-ass page I bet" I opened it and just started laughing out loud I was just so fucking right <3 I love it so much

Adelio Altomar

If you ask certain bear he'll tell you that that ass is sweeter than honey and more satisfying than it looks.

Trevor Delgado

Oof that lip bite though 😁 I love it

kai wolfheart

Dat ass and facial expression. Perfection. 👌

Diego P

those are some really good pants


Lawd that ass! I'd be making the same face


Oh he's up alright.


Riiiiight...the shoes. :P


I feel Joe's face on a spiritual level.

Dox Drakes

He's gonna have a fat boner in the next panel please

High-bi password

Yeeeees I can’t wait for them to fuck, hope we get to see Joe’s sweatpants boner in the next panel. Will we ever maybe see art of Travis and Chase together? Or maybe a non-canon evening of swinging for Joe x Travis and Taylor x Chase?


yeah the foreshadow'd pun is perfect


He got a bubble butt. ❤️

Viro Veteruscy

Wow, you must really love his shoe! Joe: Y-yes! His shoes! (Damn that butt is stuffed!) >w>;

Nick H

I just think he’s so cute 🤗

Sync Diaz

Impressive Joe held out 8 times seeing that bubble ass going down~ By that A+ expression wonder how long he'll last?

Sean Williams

He's showing off on purpose, nobody can convince me otherwise

pj wolf

Give Joe a pair of sunglasses cuz he is lookin' at DAT ASS.


What? What?? I'm just depicting an innocent page of men working out!


While he does have a watch on his right wrist, I'm hesitant to start keeping track of who's right or left-handed. In fact, in PL1 Travis was writing with his right hand. So who knows!


Thank you! As if I was gonna end this scene without showing more ass...


Once everyone is more established, that could lead to possibilities of non-canon intermingling!


I dunno, he's becoming experienced with resisting urges!


Joe was just admiring Travis's sweat pants.


i'd buy travis tanktop! It look cool. And travis would be topless l3


Omg I am bouncing on my toes for the next pages. Loving this comic so much!


I am liking where this is going! That butt shot is top tier~


Don’t loose your cool joe.

Jackson Carr

Okay, too much suspense! Have him pop an awkward boner or something 😭


oh my god, meesh. You cant draw that amazingly well shaded CAKE of an ass on that good dog there and not have our big blushing friend just eat it like a boston creme during a pie eating contest. PLEASE let this HAPPEN<3


"You're up" LMAO


Is Trav a Golden Retriever?