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In-between Little Buddy pages, I'll be posting some of the saved doodles and sketches that I never ended up using, and accompanying them with some short thoughts about them, or explanation if it's needed. Enjoy!




Loving that Clara pose. Hope we get to see her in it. :D

Steve O

Very cool. I love seeing how you do your craft.


Always love seeing Clara!

Eric Avila

oh god please one day do a full John and travis sauna pic XD

High-bi password

OOF I would love a John and Travis sauna fuck - I’d love to see John (and maybe Chris?) in your updated style ☺️

Roof Legs

I love how you unpack your process here, man. Art is so much more about persistence than perfection. This makes me feel a lot better about how much stray material I end up cranking out with hopes of finishing/reimagining someday.


Hope we can see more of Taylor, been a long time since we saw him shirtless XD