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Hi-res for my patient Platineers! Enjoy!



Timothi Janikowski

Braaah...Travis has got to get outta there.. he deserves better. Still love this comic and have been dying for a resolution since buddy #2


Honestly, never liked Dennis because he's such a dick!! And come on Trav! You deserve better than that :(

haughty garbage

Dennis flaccid and bottomless is hotter than I expected tho


Man, I'm really invested in this story. I can totally understand why it's so hard to say no to Dennis tho 😩

Max Freeman

I agree Travis needs to get with Joe ASAP, I'm not saying Dennis is the bad guy here, he's still sexy as hell, but he's got being considerate of his feelings. On another note, glad we get to see Dennis's full body instead of half. I'm still waiting to see Jow bust thought that door cause he can't hold his urges any longer. It's obvious that Travis isn't happy right now, Dennis really hurt him so the bear has better show some compassion or it's Joe's turn


Still waiting for this ass chewing...... lol but who knows will he give in or spaz out? Please tell him off but the dirty me wants him to get it over the sink lol. Also Dennis is not all that, his personality makes him unattractive who wouldn’t be able to resist that? Low standard people obviously....😒


Ooooooooh someone is about to get a golden fist in his face...