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I'm glad I pushed to make this a single-page montage instead of two pages, because it let me know what is and isn't feasible for the time dedicated for each comic page. Naturally, 11 panels will not be done in the normal amount of time. But in the end, I think it was the appropriate choice for the scene! It was an interesting challenge, one I'll have to remember it next time I'm thinking of doing an excessive number of panels...



Craig from Omaha

It definitely tells a lot of story in a small amount of space.

High-bi password

It came out beautifully and I think that a montage page feels very natural at this point in the story. It’s super relaxed and flows nicely, which is just the kind of falling action we need right now before things get spicy again. Also please tell me that’s Dennis texting Travis, and that Trav is about to crush that selfish dickhead bear ego with an “I’m busy”


Now kiss