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As the door was opened for Clara, she only looked up from her phone for the briefest moment to offer a "Hey" before she walked inside.

"H-hey," Tim stammered. "I didn't think you'd actually come..."

"I said I would," Clara looked around the room once, and then returned her attention to her phone. "You want me on the bed?"

"Um. Do you think I could just... ahh..." His voice became small, and his shoulders hunched up slightly, hesitating to ask what he wanted. "...play with you?"

Clara looked at him with an almost bored expression. "Sure. You don't want me to do anything?"

"No. Uh! I mean, maybe later, but um..." He seemed to gather more confidence, now that she hadn't immediately rejected his idea. "I just really want to... play with your pussy! If that's okay. You can just stand there!"

Her thumb continued to slide silently across her phone screen. "Knock yourself out."




Live a little - smile ?

mug nut

Great job 👍👍👍