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Take notes, pickup artists!




So we ain't gonna talk about Legoshi?💀


I don’t normally comment if i’m being honest, but Dennis evokes such a blinding rage in me that I need to give a voice to💀 I’ve been on the receiving end of an asshole like him and it’s so annoying


10 years of blue balls upon this man for being a complete chode


He is SUCH a schmuck. Pity that he's so beautiful...

Oscar Portillo

I gotta say meesh i love your work and comics so much I was just wondering will there be any part 2 plans for the comic "Business casual"?

Zylvan Celestion

I can’t help but wonder where this is going 🤔 my instincts tell me either a text that shows him Trav is done with him, involving a very exposed feline gentleman, or, things go south with his “attempted pickup”, he tries to reach out to Trav for relief and for some reason, he just isn’t answering his phone…..((plapplapplap reasons 😈))

French Honey Badger

You should make a doodle of this Bear character do this with the woman: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bro-explaining


Hah funny to see how he tries to pick up a chick, but his pickup lines look rather like as if he was trying to talk to a dude.


Maybe Dennis would have better luck with a muzzle on! Less talking, more eyebrow and eye candy...


Oh this hurts... this hurts so much because I've known straight guys that are just this bad at talking to women. Omg, make it stop.

Joseph Goldthorp

"I bet I could make a good gamer... Even out of YOU! A GORRRRL!!"

Luke Winter

I just realized that you have a very warm style of coloring