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The calendar says that it's time for another vacation! I'm going camping with my parents (first time since Covid), and I'll be away for 4 nights starting tomorrow.

It kills me to take two vacations back to back like this, but I'll be back drawing content before you know it, and in the meantime thank you so much for your patience!



Erotica Fox

Enjoy the great outdoors with your folks man!

Poyo Lewis

Have a lovely break!

High-bi password

Haha no worries, enjoy the vacation to the fullest!! I’m doing a trip to my hometown in NY and then a wedding trip back-to-back, I think that’s just the kind of summer this is


Your birthday just happened lol, enjoy a vacation!


Enjoy! And you should also draw more flexing biceps xD


No worries! Enjoy yout vacation!

Teri Minx

Have a great vacation, don't forget the bug spray if you're going camping!

Dominik R.

Enjoy your vacation and get a little nude! 👍


Misquotes suck