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Sex coma.....




I dunno about coma. Might just be withdrawl from the situation. (Brain is full/overloaded... time to reboot :)


It's not the romantic kiss we are all rooting for, but he *is* spending the night.... Miss Manners would tell us the right thing to do would be to not shower. Just wipe the larger puddles off of both of you and cuddle. Conversation in the morning is gonna be intersting... :-) https://theyiffgallery.com/picture?/40584/category/2749


the pecs.....


Cuddle with him 👀👀👀


That forlorn look, hes gonna ghost. Probably cant bring himself to hope this was anything other then a one time thing. Or just the next guy to use him ....

Walter Reimer

Take a shower, or wipe off a little, and curl up with him. Get a nap.


It’s Travis’ apartment I don’t think he’s gonna bounce. Maybe he’ll sleep on the couch or something. One thing I hope is that they talk about this. Joe is different from Dennis, he actually cares about Travis.


“Bussy put his ass to sleep now he calling me nightquil”😂😂😂


Travis take a nap (WITH Joe do not leave that bed I stg)

York Moose

Fast asleep but I bet that cock is still rock hard and covered in cum


My man put in the work, let him rest

Dhalo the Spirit

Talking about this may be still too much to handle; but Dennis set the bar very low already, if Joe now didn't want to talk about it but at least stayed as a friend, it would still be an improvement. I can't stop thinking, at the beginning of the comic, how Travis was shining while saying that he really enjoyed having Joe as a friend and he didn't want the crazy time they already had (in Little Buddy 2), and likely the one they had right now, to stop it; just like it happened with Dennis.

Dhalo the Spirit

Damn, I'm so torn. Seeing them fuck was so gorgeous. But in this page, so much godly hot bodies. 😍 It would be dreamy if they cuddled now, unrealistic but dreamy. And aww Travis, no... don't think about that now. Thinking about it now won't make it any better in the future (if it has to happen), just enjoy what you have right now.