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Travis's homework is never gonna get done...




Don't do it! That bear doesn't deserve the woof!

Joshua Hale

Don't do it, you sweet summer child. Self respect is a thing, no matter how on point the dick game is.

Mark Banks

I love that lab!

Donovan Grayson

Oh wow what an interesting little love triangle forming, Dennis needs to man up and admit he loves ass.

Teaf Sochi

His homework might not get done, but he sure will.

kai wolfheart

Gonna get a couple of D's, sexually and academically. Love these facial expressions.


Dammit joe, call back lol


don't do it. he can fold a pillow in half & hide that from his other friend instead.


That's his "Inbound to Poundtown, Entry at gate A" face.

Julian Sterling

don't force a dog to choose between good bear dick and their principles. What a cruel world, this poor boy.


Boo Dennis ( ಠ A ಠ )

High-bi password

Travis u sweet cinnamon roll, you deserve so much better!! I feel so bad for him - we all know who he wanted that text to be from 😞

High-bi password

Meesh, do you write all these scripts yourself? Or who is your writer? This is some damn good storytelling right here - kudos to whoever it is!


Well, that is an interesting choice! I wonder what Travis is going to do? Also, I must say I like that he has a flip phone.


A harder choice than choosing what college to attend...


Thank you! I'm writing it myself, with some edits here and there as I go along.

Tio Takurua

Mmm... from the looks of it, Travis is definitely longing for something more meaningful than a fwb. I know that feeling; it's fun and all, but you'd just want that sense of connection with someone. I wonder if he'll consult with John (just to see him as a cameo). :D


That face he makes in the bottom-left. What could it mean? At which word did his eyes get that way? Was it as soon as Dennis? Would his very name invoke strong feelings at this point? Perhaps someone making him jizz from just butt-stuff could make it happen. But maybe it was further on? Perhaps it was as late as "Come back?" Because then he's forced to act certainly. He could say, "yes", and leave chance or opportunity. Returning to a prodigious dicking might not entirely be a bad time. Yet, he could also say, "no", and hope that something else would offer itself. He certainly isn't texting Joe to no purpose. If he was harboring a lust for one teammate, then it's hardly beyond the proposed world that he would harbor a lust for another. Prodigious dicking? Or chance? His final expression could be either one. BUT I'M GUESSING IT'S JOE. C'MON BABY. GIVE ME THAT PANTHER DOO WHOP.


I love how accurately you can convey a message without dialogue, especially over these last few pages. Really digging the expressions!


He actually has a look that says: Nu-huh hun. He looks kinda pissed. I don't think he's even considering it.


The passion I feel for your art and characters inspires me to better embrace my own struggle of feelings. Thank you, Meesh. I'm certainly cheering for Travis and Joe to meet, again.


Thanks for your comment! It's cool that the comic is making an impact. I hope you continue to enjoy it.


Thank you! Now I need to practice realistic dialogue, which is so much harder haha


Say no, you adorable honeybun.


A Minnesotan bear, huh? :OV whatchu tryin' to say about us


Is that a Razr knock off?