Comic Question
- current (full shading, color, etc. slowest.) 33
- greyscale (full shading, no color. medium pace.) 25
- simplified (simple shading, no color, less detailed art. fastest.) 11
So i wanted some second opinions on a thought I have been trying to decide on.
The comic project has had the major downside of being a big side project while a lot of my time goes into juggling patreon, other projects, commissions, and just trying to stay afloat financially. As such it has taken forever to chip away at, and I know folk do want me to keep at it more consistently. My original plan was to keep limping forward till enough other factors balance out to be able to consistantly spend the time it needs, but at the downside of until then, pages can be split by months from sheer lack of time.
I have been considering lately alternatives for working with the limited timeframe available, such as simplifying them to greyscale, or simpler render and such, or stay as is, etc. but since this community is made of those who support my work the most for the more personal work, I wanted your feedback on the thoughts. Any project has growing pains and learning to evaluate limits and I have to accept mine with no matter how fast I can work, i still am not fast enough to reliably work on it in the current balance in a timely manner and I am only one person.
Either way this is just a revaluation of those projects, and they will keep coming however able. Just wanted to gauge how you would prefer I take this.
So continue as is with the full work but very very slow pacing, or reduce them to something faster to fit into the gaps till a time i can crank up the quality higher again.