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The first of the villain dossier pieces. Folk kept requesting I do some, and Amelyndra has had a few requests lately so felt like a fun place to start!




...I dunno, she's kind of an anti-hero in my eyes.


"...people and villages from frequent predation..." Erm... That sounds some/all of the dragons regularly murdered people. And that the ones that abstained didn't really have a problem with it.


The previous dossiers do make it clear the species tends to live quite wild and feral :P Capable of great things? Sure, but much like a human raised by animals, lacking an education of such concepts tends to lend more to basal needs and behaviors. All the luck of the draw of the parents really >> Liz for example? those whelps would learn language and other higher concepts, while say, a feral duo who lacks it themselves, sure arent passing that down and just continuing a primal behavior. So while there certainly are conscious and villainous ones who see others as just food, others still are just working on the same flowchart an animal would- meat, easy hunt, plentiful, works great! The spread out and disjointed and solitary nature of the species really lends to individuals being quite the wildcard with the majority landing somewhere in the feral side. Their intellect is def more incidental as a problemsolving predator and long fallen sapient sort, such things need to be upkept and dont just happen by default :P


So beautiful, shame she’s so untrustworthy and violent. But that’s really its own allure isn’t it. Probably won’t see much in the way of cute things with them I suspect, but it that image of the city is any indication, such a small dragon is going to give us major scenes of a grand scale