Patreon Question Poll
- Solo Page of 8 Images at once. 20
- 8 individual full sketch images. 50
So I am nearing finished with the patreon revamp and cleanup but I have a few undecided factors that I wanted to get the input of my community about to get a general opinion.
Starting question is: For the patreon exclusive sketches, should they remain a simple solo page as I have been doing, or split them into 8 full albeit still sketch focused and simple images.
Solo Page Perks: Faster, simpler, but ofcourse each remains pretty simple and limited by space so only really allows for getting the vibe across as you are accustomed to at this time so not much more to say as it has been the system as is!
Full Images Perks: Little slower but can remain on the normal schedule with doing them amidst other work at the start of the month, and compile them into a vote as normal. With the main benefit being each can get to pop and have flare as a standalone albeit simpler than a full render image, so that even if a piece loses the poll the spirit is still there and enough detail and effort can get across to at least have more umph from them.