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Sorry for the slow pace the last few days, been sorting out a lot and preparing amidst emotional distress as I am sure many understand. I have still been doing prepwork and chipping away at everything so nothing will be late or very behind schedule. Should have the first sketch or two up tomorrow. Thank you for the patience everyone, and hopefully can have some fun with this batch. Yall have already made some real fun ideas for me to work from!



It's totally fine, Liz, no worries! Been a rather interesting and challenging time for everyone, and no joke there! When you're ready to resume, we'll be here. Looking forward to how these ideas come out! :D


Take a break Lizet, look after your health - you can always put your work and us on hold/hiatus I'm sure I speak for all/most here on that


It's okay. Take all time which you need.


Please feel free to take any breaks you need, whether that's no art or just personal stuff. The last thing I want is to feel like we're adding extra stress right now. I can't speak for everyone, but I intend to stick around as long as I can. We all need each other more than ever, I'm not about to leave if I can help it.