Important Update Followup (Patreon)
This is a followup to Important Update and Question Poll
I want to start off by saying thank you for the overwhelmingly kind words and understanding of the situation and chaos of how life is going of late. I have let the poll run most of the month and thought hard on the situation to get an idea of what path to take. Yall surprised me with voting very heavily for the less is more approach, leading to better quality, less burnout, and as some of you noted it still balances out to a new thing every week and keeps the involvement etc. Which I feel works well for this current range we are in!
As such the bittersweet update is I need to act on that update so that I can survive in the current situation and keep creating the best I can for everyone.
Starting next month, in May, I will try that winning balance out and see how we all feel about it, resulting in one sketch page, and three full color renders, with the time to put the effort and care into them and still finish everything else I need to do in the current situation, while giving those images more life and effort and that flare of color I know many of yall request I do more of as is, which this will allow me to as those images take longer than greyscales.
If it winds up enjoyable for everyone, we will keep to it, if it feels too little we can adjust, and either way I will look for ways to expand things that is in line to my current time limitations so I always have my ears open for suggestions and input! I am just so thankful for the kindness and support in understanding of everything. Yall are absolutely wonderful. For those that do not fully agree with the change and wish to part I understand, I want you to get your supports worth of art, but I do hope to run with the winning results to give the best I can to make up for the adjusted balance.
Thank you again, times are hard for many of us and yall are doing so much for me and I hope to find the balance to be able to give back properly as I love seeing my creations able to bring others joy in any form. <3
As an additional note, a big thank you and shoutout to those of you that gave me quite the shock of a surprise with seeing those boosted pledges, that was so unexpected as I feel I don't give enough to deserve that but yall are amazing, I am terrible at words but thank you so much, id list yall by name to broadcast that thanks but I know not everyone likes the attention so I wont assume and guess wrong. Im gonna have to think of something for a tier for the folk who want to go so above and beyond as I feel terrible not having something to make up for that right now!